Editorial Policies

Studia academica Šumenensia is a journal with a high scientific standard. The primary criteria for judging the acceptability of a manuscript are: its originality, scientific importance and the interest of the general scientific audience.

All papers are subject to a reviewing process, and may be discussed at meetings of the scientific committee. The peer-review consists of a two-step blind peer-review process undertaken by experts in the respective areas. 

Detailed comments by the reviewers are normally forwarded to the author, anonymously, by the Editor and if necessary, the authors may be invited to revise their manuscripts.

The review form contains appreciations about article’s originality and, depending of this, the article is definitively accepted, accepted with small or important revisions or is rejected from publication. 

After the peer-reviewers have made their recommendations, the editor -in -chief  analyses them. Even in the case of a definitive acceptance a reviewer can write some observations or improvement suggestions. 

If plagiarism is detected, the submission is turned down. 

In addition, following the Ethical Statement, submissions already published, in press, or currently considered for publication elsewhere are turned down. 

The editors of Studia academica Šumenensia are committed to the principles of good scientific practice. Personal attacks and polemic is not to be accepted. 



An offprint is available immediately upon publication and is an exact copy of author’s complete article. Offprints are provided freely to authors in either paper or digital (PDF) form. All authors automatically receive a free link to the full text of their article, which will allow other people to view their work without a subscription. 


Proofs are sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as a PDF file. These should be read carefully, paying particular attention to any tables, figures and references, and then corrected and returned to the Editor-in-Chief by e-mail within ten business days of receipt. Extensive changes at the proof stage are not permitted. 


Copyright on published articles is retained by the author(s). The exclusive responsibility in respect of the acknowledgement of author’s rights and/or copyright rests with the responsible author(s). The Editor, publisher and reviewers of this journal cannot accept responsibility for the infringement of authors’ rights or copyright. The author grants to the publisher unlimited rights to publish the work in any format and/or medium.